
The storage of bytes in memory is very tricky. Normally, declaring a bytes variable in memory will be followed by the memory keyword as in bytes memory <variableName> this is because, bytes values are encoded in memory. The encoding has three parts.

  1. The pointer.
  2. The length.
  3. The value.

By declaring the bytes memory <variableName>, <variableName> is the pointer. In memory, we can call mload(<variableName>) to load the pointer. The length of the bytes value is stored in the <variableName> pointer. And the value is stored immediately after that. Therefore, reading the next memory chunk after the length chunk is the actual value, meaning that if we read location<variableName> + 32 bytes in memory, we get the actual value (If <variableName> is 0x20 in memory, it holds the length, and 0x40 will hold the value, 0x20 is 32 bytes). Using the length recovered from mload(<variableName>), we can know how many bytes of data we can read from the value location.

To encode bytes in memory (or calldata), we need to know the length of the bytes to return. Then, we pick a part of memory we desire and take note of the location, let's call there 0xa0. At memory location 0xa0, we store 0x20, this is the pointer. At the next 32 bytes, 0xc0, we store the length of the bytes. And at the next 32 bytes, 0xe0, we store the bytes value.

Finally, we return the data starting from 0xa0 where we started and reading 96 bytes. 96 bytes? Yes, 0xa0 to 0xbf is 32 bytes holding our pointer, 0xc0 to 0xdf is another 32 bytes holding our length, and 0xe0 to 0xff another 32 bytes holding the data.

If the bytes value is greater than 32 bytes, we write to more locations after 0xe0 and read the corresponding size in bytes.

Declaring bytes memory <variableName> automatically creates a pointer and length for you depending on the value you pass as the value of the variableName variable. We can simply return whatever it is. The actual bytes value are written the same way in storage, 0x<value><00..00>.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Yul {
    function bytesInMemory(bytes memory value) public pure returns (bytes32) {
        assembly {
            // Value is pointer.
            let valueLoc := add(value, 0x20)
            let bytesValue := mload(valueLoc)
            mstore(0x80, bytesValue)
            return(0x80, 0x20)